Friday, March 18, 2005

Forum forum forum

Are you like me?

That you go to various forums on the internet - and mainly read, but sometimes you register and then start writing?

I think forums are an excellent form of communication. It is somewhere between blogging and chatting, and doesn´t need any big procedure for an user to start using. Just register and then you say your opinion.

Now, as I mentioned in my first post in this blog - I frequent two forums more than any other:

Flashback: An once underground forum that has become one of the biggest and broadest in Sweden. The main theme is freedom of expression. You have a right to say your opinion.
As long as any laws are not broken. - Swedish Original - International

RB-forum: A small off-topic forum where a small group of friends talk about our lives and sometimes comes into more serious topics. But this is not the place to discuss world hunger or politics. Just chill and enjoy. This is only in Swedish.

Other forums that I am registered at are:

Above Top Secret: A huge general purpose forum - but inclined to conspiracy and politics, but also science and more or less looney threads. International crowd, but lots of Americans.

And then there are a few that I visit in my capacity as an IT-consultant, but I save that for another post.

Now I going to fix myself another drink! Cheers!

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